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Hongkong, Aku itu orangnya suka lupa, apalagi kalau lagi baca-bacaan yang seru, udah enga inget siapa-siapa

Cleopatra, sukanya ngisengi orang sih, yang mau diisengi silahkan PM atau mampir ke

Indonesia, ini adiku,usil nya minta ampun dech tapi cakep kan.. hehehe, !

Hongkong, anak satu ini suka banget nulis cerpen, ntah berapa cerpen dia coret...hehe

Hongkong, Lope orangya malu, maksudnya ( malu-malu kucing), kalau lagi sedih, suka MeONgg!

London, kayaknya dari mukaya cocok jadi pragawati, sayang orangnya rada cuek sih. Tapi terkadang baik gt!

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ten things GOD won't ask on the day
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
1/.. god wont't ask what kind of car you drove.
he'll ask how meny people you drove who did't have transportation

2/.. GOD won't ask the squere footage of your house,
HE'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home..

3/.. GOD won't ask abaut the clothes you had in your closet,
HE'll ask how many you helped to clothe

4/.. GOD won't ask what your highest salary was.
HE'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it..

5/.. GOD wan't ask what your job title was.
HE'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.

6/.. GOD won't ask how many friends you had.
HE'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend..

7/.. GOD won't ask in what neighborhood you lived,
HE'll ask how you treated your neighbons..

8/.. GOD won't ask abaut the coilor of your skin,
HE'll ask abaut the content of your character..

9/.. GOD won't ask why it took you so long to seek salvatoin.
HE'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven,
and not to the gates of hel

10/.. GOD won't have to ask how many people your forwarded this to,
HE already knows your decision..

memory Kenangan Terindah dwiyuna @ 6:22 PM  
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